My Story

As a full time college student, a part time employee, and a small business owner, I am very pressed for time. One thing that has remained constant is my love of being physically active. From organized sports, to Zumba classes, bike riding, rock climbing, and running, I have always considered myself to be in shape. Little did I know that my life was about to change! 

The past five years of my college experience kept me on an emotional roller coaster of having the body I want, gaining a few pounds, dieting, meeting my goals, having that body again, being lazy, and returning to my old self. It was a never-ending cycle. That is, until I met Beachbody. I heard about this company when a friend of the family let us borrow the P90x workout program. I did a few of the workouts on and off for a couple of months and saw some results. Throughout the following months, I ordered the Hip Hop Abs and Brazil Butt Lift programs and tried to commit to them as much as possible. I thought that if I was seeing results, without even following the workout calendar, I wonder what could happen if I found a program and stuck to it?! Enter TurboFire.

With the help of my amazing and inspirational Coach, we were able to find the program that was right for me. The program that I have completely committed myself to. The program that has allowed me to achieve the results I have always wanted. TurboFire has forever changed my life and because of it, I want to change the lives of others. To reach the people who were in my position and help them find their soulmate workout program. Being a Team Beachbody Coach gives me the opportunity to do just this. 

Feel free to join my Beachbody Team! I would love to be your coach. My goal is to help you reach your goals. By finding the program that is best for you and creating a nutritional guide that will keep you satisfied, together we can change your life! Let me be your person! :)

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